Quinn's Web Page

Great Pyrenees / Golden Retriever / Mixed (medium coat)  : :  Male  : :  Adult

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About Quinn

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 23-074
  • General Color: White
  • Current Size: 75 Pounds
  • Current Age: 9 Years 4 Months (best estimate)
  • Fence Required: Yes(6 foot)
  • Obedience Training Needed: Needs Training
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Owner Experience Needed: Species
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

23-074 Quinn  is a male Great Pyrenees and is estimated to be 8 years old. He came to  AGR  as a stray from  Maricopa County Animal Care & Control  shelter in September 2023.  AGR  transporters picked him up and found him to be very gentle and sweet, but extremely thin and matted. After spending time at the County, which is noisy and stressful for any dog,  Quinn  appeared to be tired and sad. He was taken to one of our partner veterinary offices  where he weighed in at 75 lbs. He received the standard vetting, which included vaccinations, tests for valley fever and heartworm, and neutering. His bloodwork showed that his liver values were elevated, but after six weeks they were rechecked and were found to be normal. His values were rechecked in 3 months to make sure there were no other issues. 

Quinn  spent three weeks in boarding until he was taken to fosters and their resident 13-year-old golden  Annie  in Phoenix. After meeting  Annie  with no issues,  Quinn  explored the large back yard with enthusiasm. While he was initially frightened of the man, he now runs down the hall to greet him in the morning and then they both go outside to play. Fostering  Quinn  for 4-and-1⁄2 months had been an absolute joy for the couple, so they decided to adopt him, their first foster failure! He has filled out nicely at 90 lbs. and his coat is magnificent! He loves being hugged, and enjoys running around, playing and snuggling. He is one of the gentlest and most good-natured dogs they have ever met! The adopters are currently looking for a dog trainer that will help  Quinn  deal with his reactive behavior to other dogs when on a walk. Other than that, he is a very sweet boy. They take him to a coffee shop on Sunday mornings and sit outside. Even though there are other dogs and people, he just lies down and doesn’t react at all! The adopter wrote: 

We introduce  Quinn  as our Great Pyr enees from  Arizona Golden Rescue . It took him several weeks to  trust us and he is still afraid of strangers. He loves to sit on the couch with us and cuddle and to sleep in our bed... as does his  small Golden sister,  Annie . Needless to say, it gets crowded. True to his Pyrenees nature, he likes to keep watch and does a perimeter check of house and yard every day.  Quinn  is such a sweet, af fectionate, loving boy. He and  Annie  get along well... Whenever  she goes out the doggie door, he follows (through the patio door, as the doggie-door is a work in progress.) We leave Phoenix from May through October, so he doesn’t have to deal with the heat. He enjoyed walking on the beach the other day, but the waves were scary. His nickname is “Marshmallow.” He came to us at 70 pounds and topped out at 90... One of his favorite things to do is  play with his dad. He gets energized and zooms around the house  and yard! He actually jumps with joy! We have had to do a lot of research on his breed, because Pyrenees are not just big Goldens. Now that he is a major part of our lives, we couldn’t imagine not  having our Great Pyrenees from  Arizona Golden Rescue  .


More about Quinn

Good with Dogs, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Good for Seniors/Elderly, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Protective, Needs special care, Obedient, Playful, Timid, Independent, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle

Other Pictures of Quinn (click to see larger version):

Quinn Quinn Quinn